[sharing] Recipe: more then just mince - beef patties

trendsfitness.blogspot.com - When you think of mince, you normally think about beef mince. So I thought that I would take the humble beef mince pattie to the next level in my 'more then just mince' blog series with the recipe for these delicious beef patties and a smart little spring/summer salad.

Now, I am thinking that paleo is something that I would be looking into in the new year. But I'm not so much into eliminating food groups from my diet (especially with two growing boys and a fussy husband) so I may call it more 'clean eating'. I have decided to make these patties and eat them without a bread bun…but you could do so if you wished.
I was inspired by fresh spring/summer flavours of fresh herbs when I created this dish and these patties are full of fresh herbs. Cook them on the BBQ on a hot night and enjoy outside if the mood takes you.
Recipe: more then just mince - beef patties
BEEF PATTIES 500 grams of beef mince 100 grams of fresh breadcrumbs 1 lemon 200 grams of persian fetta 1/2 bunch of parsley 1/2 bunch of oregano 1/2 bunch of mint 1 tablespoon of dried chili 1 egg
Combine your mince with the breadcrumbs, juice and zest of one lemon, crumbled fetta, shredded parsley, oregano, mint, dried chili and the egg. Shape into patties and then allow to set in the fridge for 20 minutes prior to cooking on a BBQ or hot frying pan.
I served mine with my spring/summer salad below.
Recipe: more then just mince - beef patties
SPRING/SUMMER SALAD 2 cucumbers 1 baby fennel 2 eschallots 4 tomatoes a handful of mixed olives 1 tablespoon of honey 2 tablespoons of olive oil 2 tablespoons of malt vinegar
Slice your veggies and layor over a plate. Combines the honey, oil and vinegar and then pour over the salad.

other source : http://goodfoodweek.blogspot.com, http://liputan6.com, http://google.com

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