Summer time sadness? Why sadness?

Many of Lana Del Rey's songs portray other characters, including Summertime Sadness. The song is about a lesbian couple that have many problems in their What does Lana Del Rey's song Summertime Sadness mean? We have the answer. Preview songs from Summertime Sadness (Lana Del Rey vs. Cedric Gervais) [Cedric Gervais Remix] - Single by Lana Del Rey & Cedric Gervais on the iTunes Store. Preview

Have you heard the song by Lana Del Ray - Summertime Sadness? I really like it, so if you haven't heard it - go check it out on YouTube ... or you can just read on because I'm not quiet sure if you will grasp the long bow I am tying here... fingers crossed I don't think summertime sadness comes from dancing so hard in the moonlight and thinking you could loose the love of your life. I think that summertime sadness comes from trying to find a pair of swimmers to fit into. I am seeing you nodding and I can hear that this isn't just a 'mummy issue'.

Sure - us Mums are trying to deal with changes in our bodies; bigger hips, bigger boobs, flabby tummies, stretch marks/tiger stripes, baby weight ... the list goes on. But the general female population has some body issue that they aren't quiet prepared to share in their birthday suit - which is pretty much on show in summer when you're out in your swim wear.
I want to celebrate summer with my bouncing baby boy. And when I have a daughter, I also want to celebrate the summer with her and show her a confident Mummy who is proud of her body and isn't holding onto body issues - but I feel when I am at the beach, when I am at the pool, when I am by the water... eyes are on me and I am being judged for by body.
I know this sounds silly, and that most women aren't looking at the other women on the beach because they have their own issues or if they are looking, they are probably noticing the good in their bodies... like 'I wish that my boobs were as full and perky as hers', or 'I am so jealous of her thighs', or 'I could never look that good in a white striped one piece'.
Or am I just being hopeful? And what they are really thinking is 'where is Green Peace to push this whale back into the ocean'.
I want to find a piece of swim wear that I can fit these 10GG puppies into and not pay a million dollars for it! Do you know where I can find said swim wear? I need my readers help - I'm a food/mummy blogger not a fashion blogger...
And I just want to enjoy summer with the beautiful men in my life (featured below - aren't they cute)
Summer time sadness? Why sadness?

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