Beef and Potato Empanadas

Beef and Potato Empanadas with a Creamy Cilantro Lime Dipping Sauce. These empanadas are a perfect snack or dinner. I like to serve them with rice, black beans, and a Tags: Main Course. Add to Recipe Box; Print Recipe; Add to Grocery List; Share This; Prep Time: 40 min; Cook Time: 30 min; Ready Time: 70 min; Yield: 8 Empanadas I have always wanted to make Colombian style empanadas! I was a little worried, because I like out in podunk with no latino market or anything.

I’ve been looking through some of my travel albums – reminiscing about my life so far. These amazing adventures may not be in my future, but I am sure that with children I will have amazing adventures of a different kind.
I looked through an album of photos from when I spent two months trekking through South America in 2009 – seeing Chile, Peru and Bolivia. The photos bring back wonder memories of food, fun and friendship.

One of the last photos in the album is of me in these cotton pants – cotton pants I in fact have on at 40 weeks pregnant. It makes me smile that I can still get into them.

Beef and Potato Empanadas
It also makes me smile that my friend Ollie actually purchased the ‘rainbow’ cotton pants that he is wearing in the photo. We got a lot of crazy looks when we landed back in Australia.
One of the delicious items that we ate whilst in South America was Empandas and I thought that seeing as I was at home (with some time on my hands) that I would give them a go.
Beef and Potato Empanadas

2 tablespoons olive oil
1 small brown onion, diced
3 cloves of garlic, crushed
400 grams of beef mince
1 teaspoon of paprika
2 teaspoons of oregano
1 cup of beef stock
3 medium potatoes, cut into 1cm cubes
25 grams butter
1/4 cup of currants
1/2 cup of flat leaf parsley, chopped
2 spring onions, sliced
5 sheets of stored-bought short crust pastry
sea salt
black pepper

*Store-bought tomato relish to serve

Heat the oil in a large frying pan, add the onion and garlic and stir frequently until golden. Add the mince, paprika and oregano and cook - breaking up any lumps with a wooden spoon.

When the mince is brown, add the stock, potato cubes and season with salt and pepper. Simmer for approximately 15 minutes - you may need to add a little water to the mixture if it begins to dry out.

Remove from the heat and stir through the butter, currants, parsley and spring onions. Allow to cool.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees celsius. Using a saucer cut out 4 rounds from each pastry sheet. Place spoonfuls of the mixture into the middle of the disc of pastry, fold over to enclose and press the edges together with a fork to seal.

Place on baking trays and bake for 15-20 minutes or until golden. Serve with your store-bought tomato relish (because even though I have more time on my hands now I am on maternity leave, sometimes it is just easier to go with the store-bought kind).

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