Anyone knows about "Altair"?
It's one of the brightest star from Aquila's constellation.
Along with Deneb from Cygnus and Vega from Lyra,
they will form a triangle and they're called "Summer Triangle".
After translating Japanese songs,
I got interested on astronomy too.
Many Japanese songs told about stars.
No wonder when we saw in Anime or Dorama,
they can easily guess what constellation they gazed.
Another Ray's song, titled Altair
which told about a long distance relationship
between a couple under the starry sky.
I love her songs now, thanks to Nagi no Asukara XD
Ray - Altair Lyrics: English & Indonesian Translation
Altair Lyrics Altair 歌詞 Lirik Lagu Altair Romanized - Kanji - Indonesian Translation - English Translation
Altair Ray Ameagari to Shoka no kaori “Konya no hoshi wa Totemo kirei da ne” tte Machiawase wa Kyou mo madobe Tagai no sora wo miagereba Hitotsu no umi Tsuyoku kagayaku Anata wo mitemasu Futari no mirai wo Terasu hikari Matataku hodo ni Tashikameau yume wo Natsu no yokaze de todoke Denwa no koe Genki nai ne? Hanarete tatte wakaru kara Sono kirameki Tsuyoku kagayaku Kono hoshi no shita de Yoru ga akeru made Hanashi wo shiyou Hitomi tojireba Anata ga soba iru Natsu no yokaze ni Dakarete Dakarete 
Altair レイ 雨上がりと 初夏の香り 「今夜の星は とても綺麗だね」って 待ち合わせは  今日も窓辺 互いの空を見上げれば  一つの天空(うみ) 強く輝く あなたを見てます 二人の未来を 照らす光 瞬くほどに  確かめ合う夢を 夏の夜風で届けて 電話の声、 元気ないね? 離れてたってわかるから  その煌めき 強く輝く この星の下で 夜が明けるまで 話をしよう 瞳とじれば  あなたが傍にいる 夏の夜風に 抱かれて  抱かれて 
Altair Ray Aroma sehabis hujan dan wangi awal musim panas Kau berkata, “Bintang malam ini, indah sekali, ya?” Hari ini pun, tempat kita bertemu adalah di depan jendela Jika kita menatap langit masing-masing, Angkasa pun terlihat bagai samudra 
yang akan berkilau terang sekali untuk memperhatikan dirimu Cahaya yang akan menyinari Masa depan kita berdua Selama ia masih berkelip, Aku akan menitipkan mimpi pasti kita pada angin malam musim panas Suaramu di telepon, Kedengaran tak bersemangat
Meskipun kita terpisahkan oleh jarak
Namun kelipan cahaya itu akan bersinar terang sekali Di bawah langit bertabur bintang ini Ayo kita terus bercerita Hingga malam berganti pagi Jika aku menutup mata, Kurasakan kau berada di sisiku Dalam pelukan Angin malam musim panas Dalam pelukannya 
Altair Ray Scent after the rain And early summer’s fragrance Then you said, “Tonight’s stars really beautiful, right?” Our meeting place today Also by the window If we gaze up at each other sky, as if one vast ocean It will strongly sparkle to watch over you A ray that will shine on Our future As long as it’s still twinkling I will send our certain dream to the summer’s night breeze From your voice on the phone, I know, you aren’t feeling well, right? 
Even though we've been separated
But that twinkle up there will strongly sparkle Let’s keep talking Under this starry sky Until the dawn break If I closed my eyes, I can feel you by my side, Embraced by The summer’s night breeze Embraced by it 

Romaji Lyrics Transliterated by Me (Amane Nakari)


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