- What are you? My mom? Stop asking me so many questions, 4Minute. Soooo glad Hyuna's not my mom. For so many reasons.
[Warning: This post contains lots of big pictures and at least one very bright, fast gif*.]
Everyone's favorite skanks came back this week with "Whatcha Doin' Today?" If the song sounds familiar, that's because it was produced by Brave Brothers, who also produced the group's last two tracks (and the majority of kpop for the past few years). What we really should be asking is "When is this guy going to leave?"
"Whatcha Doin' Today?" shares a similar message to 2Yoon's "24/7," encouraging listeners to throw off the shackles of everyday life and enjoy living, be it through partying, laughing, or drinking Americanos. You drink that coffee, girl.
The song contains a few disturbing similarities to last year's "What's Your Name?" Both songs suffer from having too many musical layers and an abundance of that rap/singing hybrid 4Minute loves to do. "Whatcha Doin' Today?" is still a staggering improvement on the horrendous "What's Your Name?" whose fetid stench still haunts me today. "WDT" is a more traditional song, unlike that non-song; transitions more smoothly; and doesn't make my ears bleed. It's not great or anything, but at least I plan on listening to this new song again.
The music video really saves this release, though, as it's a hot mess, just like 4Minute. Things start out normally enough, with a Hyuna solo scene then a group dance. Exhibit A of "Why I'm Glad Hyuna's Not My Mom"
Then things get weird. Apparently, "fun" for 4Minute involves lots of plastic clothing, candy, and voyeurism. Don't act like you innocent, girl. I know what you're really doing.
You see, through the video, we learn how 4Minute lets loose on the weekend — swinging. Sometimes, it's a group thing in a public restroom:
Sometimes, it's a little exhibitionism by the street: Exhibit B
But always, it's hardcore: Exhibit "This is All the Evidence One Really Needs"
These scenes provide insight into the members' private lives and help shape the bond between the group and its fans. I feel like I know more about 4Minute now. Perhaps more than I ever wanted to.
BOTTOM LINE: Fabulous video aids the slightly-better-than-average "Whatcha Doin' Today?"
* Gifs courtesy Soyeon Chingu.
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