Extreme Flu Activity in the US

trendsfitness.blogspot.com - A friend of mine came down with a nasty flu recently. I checked Google Flu Trends, and found that flu activity is currently at "intense" levels throughout the US. This is the highest flu activity Google Flu Trends has recorded in the last six years (image from Google Flu Trends 1/3/12).

Extreme Flu Activity in the US

Every state except Connecticut has flu activity of "high" to "intense".
Now is the time to be vigilant about flu prevention. Vaccination may be an option, though vaccines don't become effective for approximately two weeks after administration. Other prevention strategies include:
  • Wash your hands often
  • Avoid touching your eyes and mouth
  • Avoid contact with sick people
  • Get sufficient, high quality sleep
  • Manage stress effectively
  • Keep diet quality high
And if you are infected, stay home, make sure to cough and sneeze into your sleeve or a handkerchief, and wash your hands often to avoid infecting others.
You can find more flu prevention information at the following US Centers for Disease Control website:
CDC Says "Take 3" Actions to Fight the Flu

Chris Kresser also recently discussed flu vaccines and flu prevention here.

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