[online wedding dresses] Wordless Wednesday

What?!! The last time I did a Wordless Wednesday post was last September??! Is that possible? Well, I'm LONG overdue!
Here are some photos from Scarlett's first trip to Disneyland (Nov 2011). Meeting Jessie for the first time. (Jessie is Josh's favorite character, so of course this was a BIG moment!)

(click any image to enlarge)
Wordless Wednesday
Wordless Wednesday
Wordless Wednesday
Wordless Wednesday
Wordless Wednesday

You can see more Wordless Wednesdays from other Disney folks by clicking this graphic.
Wordless Wednesday

Oh & sorry about the little copyright watermark. I hope its not too intrusive in your enjoyment of the photos. Any pictures of Scarlett I post from here on out will have to have a watermark. I recently had an online baby-related company steal a photo off my blog and use it to promote their memorial day sale. It was a pretty horrifying & infuriating situation. We still want to share our lives (and our beautiful baby) with you. We'll just watermark our photos so people will have no problem identifying where these photos come from.

Wordless Wednesday

source : http://designingcreations.blogspot.com, http://tribunnews.com, http://okezone.com

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