[online wedding dresses] hi ho! hi ho!

Its off to work we go!! We're home from our awesome trip and back to work. Josh and I came home with a renewed sense of determination to get our house cleaned up, organized, to cut back on TV watching, reconnect, cook dinner more, eat out less, spend more time playing games, doing fun things, exercising, going to bed earlier, all that good "new year stuff" you tell yourself you're going to do!
And . . . so far so good. Last night when Josh got home from work, I cooked dinner, we did a little cleaning up (not tons but a little), ate at the table, instead of on the couch, talked, laughed, played the FUNNEST GAME we got from my parents for Christmas, Bananagrams. We're totally addicted to it. The house is still messy, suitcases are still unpacked, but we'll get there.
Our trip to Disneyland was very fun. Days after returning, my feet are still a little tender, and I'm still a little tired, but its totally worth it. We had a great time!! Here's just a few photos to give you a taste at how much fun we had. If you followed us on Twitter, you know we had a blast! I'll try and post more photos and give you a real rundown in the following week. But you know how well my recapping of our Disney World trip went! haha, so we'll see!!
hi ho! hi ho!
(click to enlarge)>>
ANYWAY - sorry this post is much later than my usual Friday posts. Going on vacation always takes an unexpected tole on me. I find it tough to get back into the swing of things. I'm going to really force myself to get a kit done for next week and start being the regular 'product producing Britt' you all know and love!
But this week all my Show Offs are going to get a Show Off exclusive! Which means, there is currently no other way to get this gift other than being a Show Off this past week. It's not in the store, or anything! But before I show you what the exclusive gift is, let's enjoy the Show Offs.

hi ho! hi ho!hi ho! hi ho!

The Show Offs this week were awesome! Thanks so much for sending them in. I had a great time going through them when I got back from my trip!!
So - the exclusive Show Offs only gift is . . .
hi ho! hi ho!
Show Offs - watch your email inboxes. I'll be sending this out right after I finish my post.
And if you'd like to learn more about how to Show Off and get great gifts - just read the end of this post.
Ok - I guess that's it for today. I'll see you later!!
hi ho! hi ho!

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