Apple and white fungus soup #48026

Apple and white fungus soup Apple with white fungus soup has been known for it's nourishing properties keeping skin youthful and winkle free. This soup is fruity, sweet and refreshing. Soup for the Soul: Nourishing Apple with White Fungus Soup, an other post from the blog SingaporeMomBlogs on Bloglovin'. Ingredients: 2 red apples medium size 25g white fungus 300g lean pork 30g sweet and bitter almond 21335 21271 26447 also known as sweet and bitter apricot seeds or

Apple and white fungus soup

2 red apples (medium size)
25g white fungus
300g lean pork
30g sweet and bitter almond
4 candied dates (big)
1000 ml water

Salt to taste (optional)

1. Peel and core the apples, then rinse and chop them into 8 pieces. Set aside
2. Rinse lean pork and cut into 3 pieces, blanch in boiling water. Dish up and set aside.
3. Rinse candied dates and sweet & bitter almonds. Set aside.
4. Add water in a cooking pot and boil. Add all ingredients in the boiling water. When the water is re-boiled, switch to low fire and cook for 2 hours.
5. Turn off heat. Add salt to taste.

source :,,

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