Koshie needs to be slapped

Want to see more posts tagged #i need to be slapped? Sign up for Tumblr she needs to be slapped. 666 likes. Local Business Email or Phone: Password in your marriage. you don't need to be slapped you did not know that she was married until later. she is the one that needs to be slapped.

As a soon-to-be mother and a blogger I have been asked if I was going to comment on the breastfeeding debate that has swept the nation. And I’m not sure if I am comfortable making a comment, because the fact of the matter is, I haven’t been a breastfeeding mum yet and I don’t know what I will and won’t be comfortable in doing.

And I think that’s where this conversation needs to go – asking society why we are allowing dinosaur men with their 1950s ideals to make these types of comments on things that they know NOTHING about.
Shame on you Channel 7 and your Sunrise producers for allowing things to go so far. I think that you should have made Koshie apologise for his comments which have offended so many Australian mothers.

Do you know how hard it is for mothers in today’s society? Everyone feels like they have the right to comment on how you are raising your child – when the fact of the matter is THEY DON’T!

Shame on you female members of the Sunrise cast – most of you are mothers - and yet you don’t feel the need to stand up for your fellow breast feeders? What is wrong with you? You are smart educated women with a voice and yet you don’t choose to use it.

Oh no, too controversial for you? Maybe you shouldn’t be a reporter then because sometimes that involves being controversial. Shouldn’t you want to be bringing the two sides of the story to the Australian public … isn’t that a right that we are blessed with in the Australian media?

And shame on you Koshie’s daughters! I look at my Dad and I know that he can make some pretty inappropriate comments which stem from 1950s ideals, but you know what happens when my Dad makes those comments … me, my sister or my mother shut him down! I think my Mum’s most popular phrase with regards for my Dad is ‘Oh for heaven’s sake Peter!’

So, ‘Oh for heaven’s sake Koshie’, why don’t you apologise to all those breastfeeding mothers who are doing an outstanding job raising their children and keep your mouth shut when it comes to matters that don’t even concern you.

Koshie you need to pull your head out of your arse so that you can ‘stay classy’.

source : http://goodfoodweek.blogspot.com, http://pinterest.com, http://flickr.com

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