[News] "Google Glass" Shooting with a wink

"Google Glass" Shooting with a wink
"Google Glass" Shooting with a winktrendsfitness.blogspot.com - SinceGoogleGlass(smart glasses) was developedfurtherbythe developers, variousdemovideosthat showthe ability ofintelligentglassesthatbegan to emergein the virtual world. issurely thegadgetfreakincuriosity. aftera fewago aleakeddeveloperTwitter application forGoogleGlass, now turn toa developer ofavideoshowinghow totake photos/imagesonlywith a wink.

Asreported byTheVerge, Thursday (05/02/2013), adevelopershowed offafeatureof shootingtheshowsideofGoogle'sfuturisticGlass. Anapplication calledTheWinkyisprovidingthese features, whichcantake picturesaganaganwhatlookofa pair of glassesjust byblinkingoneeye.

Theapplication developer, MikeDiGiovanni, said

"Voiceless controlfeatureinGoogleGlassis a featurethatwillchange everything. Googleglassactuallyalreadyhave adefaultshooting feature. Yettoactivate it, wehave to pressa button thatis locatednext tothe glassesframe. Indeednottoo bothersome, butwith nosoundbutthe methodandjustusingeyegestures, seem to bemore fun. "

other source : http://pinterest.com, http://liputan6.com, http://pitoetor.blogspot.com

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