We're (Supposedly) Pro-Anorexia

We're (Supposedly) Pro-Anorexia
trendsfitness.blogspot.com - For those that regularly read the comments, you probably know who wrote this. For those that don't, here:

We're (Supposedly) Pro-Anorexia

Yes, everyone's problems in the world are all my fault.

President Obama using drones to kill innocent people in Pakistan? My fault.
The economy still sucking ass in 2014? My fault.
The black unemployment rate being much higher than the national average? My fault.
The reason why Muslims and Jews can't get along? My fault.
The reason why gay people can't get married? My fault.
The obesity epidemic in America? My fault.
The reason the government won't allow fracking to expand and grow the economy? My fault.
The reason why Apple sucks? My fault.
The reason why so many Kpop stars have to get plastic surgery? My fault.
The reason why G Dragon smokes weed? My fault.
The reason why Daesung ran over someone? My fault.
The reason why Seungri loves to jizz on titties? My fault.
The reason why Nicole and Jiyoung left Kara? My fault.
The reason why Hyoyeon gets called ugly? My fault.
The reason why Jiyeon gets called Cyclops? My fault.
Okay, that last one may actually be my fault.

The opinions of nine assholes on the Internet that you don't even know shouldn't affect you. Just because I would rather have sex with Han Ye Seul than Roseanne Barr shouldn't be the basis of why you're anorexic. If you truly have issues, go seek help instead of blaming some random asshole on the Internet for all of your problems.

We're (Supposedly) Pro-AnorexiaWe're (Supposedly) Pro-Anorexia
Han Ye Seul is essentially the root of all evil when it comes to anorexia in this world.
What a bitch.

other source : http://antikpopfangirl.blogspot.com, http://kompas.com, http://imgur.com

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