Warning of major health risks for ‘gay’ men

Warning of major health risks for ‘gay’ men

trendsfitness.blogspot.com - American government officials have reported that men with same-sex attraction, just 2% of the total male population, accounted for 63% of all new HIV/AIDS cases in the US in 2010.

They explained that rampant promiscuity among homosexuals is the principal cause of the problem.
“Having more sex partners compared to other men means gay and bisexual men have more opportunities to have sex with someone who can transmit HIV or another STD,”

said a new report from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

The CDC estimated that one in five (18%) of homosexual men in the US are infected with HIV. And more than a third of those infected don’t realise they have the virus and may pass it on to others.

Journalist Derek Byrne, a homosexual activist, has pointed to a similar problem of promiscuity in Ireland, provoking the wrath of many of his fellow gays.

“I know of many same-sex couples who have been joined in civil partnership and I can say with certainty only one of these is grounded in monogamy,” Byrne wrote in the Irish Times.

He added: “This is not a judgment; it [promiscuity] is a fact and an accepted way of life for many gay couples, civilly partnered or not.”

A recent report from Public Health England revealed that the situation is the same in the UK, where three homosexual men in 100 are HIV positive, rising to 8 per 100 gays in London.

Gay men, said Public Health, “report high levels of risky sexual behaviour, including higher numbers of sexual partners.”

It added that this risky promiscuous behaviour continues despite the majority of homosexuals knowing what they need to do to protect themselves and “having access to condoms.”

Anal cancer is another deadly danger for those who engage in such risky behaviour.

According to the CDC, men who engage in it are 17 times more likely to contract the disease, which kills about 40% of its victims within five years.

ALIVE Catholic Monthly Newspaper, Ireland

source : http://log.viva.co.id, http://wikipedia.org

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