I will empower you to lead millions

trendsfitness.blogspot.com - 30 October 2014 To Tenderheart, CanadaI will empower you to lead millions

I Will Empower Those Who Love Me

Children of My Divine Heart,

I Am that I Am. I Am the Great I Am. I Am the King of Mercy. Open your hearts to Me. Surrender in all confidence. Surrender unto Me. Give Me permission to work in you.

Millions break My laws. Millions give in to temptation, and are defeated each day. So many will serve the Beast if you refuse to act. My Little Ones, time is of the essence. Repent.Lead others back to the fold.

Seek out My consecrated Sons, and walk blameless before My sight. Your life changes will inspire others. Accept to grow in holiness. Pick up your sacramentals.

Pray without ceasing. Break free from the cares of the world.

Abandon all those things valued by men at this time. Abandon your search for power. I will empower those who love Me.

You would do well to remember this. Make yourselves obedient unto Me, and I will empower you to lead millions.

Obey Me in the smallest of things. Later on, I will entrust you with greater responsabilities. Take baby steps. Persevere in love.

I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom

source : http://kompas.com, http://detik.com

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