[Rolls] Parfait Torte with Hazelnuts

Parfait Torte with Hazelnuts

I didn't want to post this recipe at first (that's why my photos are bad too). Don't take me wrong - the torte was tasty, but I didn't like the texture ...all same boring texture. Not for me! I like a bit variety and excitement in a torte. Maybe it would be perfect (that's what 'parfait' means) for someone else; ... lets say for someone who doesn't have teeth ;-). In that case, here is the recipe.

Note - any nuts, even grounded poppy seeds may be used instead of hazelnuts!
Basic mixture-
1 l milk (full fat)
7 tbs sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence
30 g gelatin
500 ml thickened cream
(1st layer) Biscuit base -
200 g biscuits (milk coffee or similar), processed
50 g hazelnuts, processed
6 tbs basic mixture
(2nd layer) Hazelnut filling -
200 gr hazelnuts, toasted and processed
80 ml water
1 tbs honey
1 tsp vanilla
3 tbs sugar
1/2 of (leftover) basic mixture
(3rd layer) 1/4 of (leftover) basic mixture
(4th layer)100 g dark chocolate, melted + last 1/4 of basic mixture

First make basic mixture, as you're going to need it through whole process.
Mix gelatin with a bit of milk. Put all other ingredients in a pan. Heat until boiling stage. Take off and stir in gelatin. Let it cool.
Line a 22 -23 cm spring form with silicon paper.
Mix all ingredients for 1st layer. Spread it onto bottom of prepared form. Refrigerate.
2nd layer - Cook all ingredients (except basic mixture) for 4-5 minutes. Mix in basic mixture when slightly cooled. Spread over the 1st layer; return to fridge for 5-10 minutes, then add 3rd layer and spread with 4th layer (mixture of chocolate and basic mixture). Refrigerate until set (2-3 hours)

Parfait Torte with Hazelnuts

'Parfait' (Parfe torta)

Najprije nisam zeljela objaviti ovaj recept (stoga su i fotke bezvezne). Nemojte pogresno shvatiti - torta je bila ukusna, ali meni se nije dopala tekstura...jednolicna dosadna tekstura kroz cijelu tortu. Nije za mene! Ja volim malo varijacija i uzbudjenja kroz dozivljavanje (degustaciju) torte. Mozda bi ova torta bila perfektna ('parfait' bas to znaci) za nekoga drugoga; hm, recimo za nekoga ko nema zuba ;-) Pa, u tom slucaju evo recepta.

Napomena- bilo koje orasaste plodove, pa cak i mljeveni mak mozete koristiti umjesto ljesnika.
Osnovna masa-
1 l mlijeka (punomasno)
7 K secera
1 vanila
30 gr zelatine
500 ml slatkog vrhnja
(1. sloj) Podloga od keksa-
200 gr keksa, samljevenog
50 gr ljesnika, samljevenih
6 K osnovne mase
(2. sloj) Fil sa ljesnicima-
200 gr ljesnika, propecenih i samljevenih
80 ml vode
1 K meda
1 vanila
3 K secera
1/2 preostale osnovne mase
(3. sloj) 1/4 preostale osnovne mase
(4. sloj) 100 gr tamne cokolade + zadnja 1/4 osnovne mase

Najprije napravite osnovnu masu, jer cete ju trebati kroz sve slojeve torte.
Umijesajte zelatin sa malo hladnog mlijeka. ostatak sastojaka stavite kuhati. Kada provri, smaknite sa vatre, umijesajte zelatin i ostavite prohladiti.
Kalup za tortu (22-23cm) oblozite papirom ili folijom.
1. sloj- Pomijesajte sve sastojke sa 6 K osnovne mase; rasporedite po dnu i stavite u frizider.
2.sloj- Kuhajte sve navedene sastojke 4-5 minuta, zatim umijesajte 1/2 preostale osnovne mase. Stavite preko 1-og sloja i vratite u frizider na 5-10 minuta.
3.sloj stavite preko prethodna 2, zatim prelijte sa 4 slojem (rastopljena cokolada umijesana u zadnju 1/4 osnovne mase). Ostavite u frizider na 2-3 sata da se dobro stegne.

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