[prom dresses] weekly scarlett

Taking inspiration - ok we're totally COPYING - Young House Love's idea, we've decided during Scarlett's first year of life, we'll take a weekly photo of her lying on a different fun fabric wearing a white "weekly" onesie. Then after a year we'll take the photos and make some awesome coffee table books for ourselves and the grandparents. FUN, HUH?!
Here are her first three photos (click to enlarge):

weekly scarlett
weekly scarlett
weekly scarlett

It's amazing to see how she's changing already!
The onesies were pretty expensive to buy a whole year's worth, especially since she only wears them the one day during the photo, but oh well! It's totally worth it.
GOTCHYA!! Did you believe me!? There's no way we'd BUY 52 onesies just for these photos! HAHA It's Photoshop magic, baby! Young House Love has a tutorial on how they do it, which is where I started. Then I added a few tweaks and changes to get the look I wanted. It's actually super easy. I chose a different font than YHL uses. My font is Josefin Sans Std (but I added a slight stroke/border to make it thicker and show up better). You can get Josefin at Font Squirrel.
Every week I'll post the new photo in my Flickr set, "Weekly Scarlett", so you can watch them there. I'd love to hear your comments each week, so feel free to drop a line if you want! I look forward to taking her weekly photo every Wednesday! It's such a fun project.
Mama-hood still rocks. I think Scarlett and I are slowly getting into a daily groove. I feel like nursing is sort of a full time gig, I swear that's all I'm doing!! But that's ok! I'm just happy it's going so well. I'm still not really accomplishing much each day. Thankfully Josh is TOTALLY amazing, running all the errands, grocery shopping, getting and making dinners, seriously everything. Plus he likes to be on baby duty as much as he can be. He's the best. The absolute best. I'd be toast without him.
I'll see you guys later! Hope you aren't sick of the Scarlett posts yet. I have a feeling I'll have a lot of them.
weekly scarlett

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