Traci Brown is a coach with Optibike. This pricey electric bike (costing about $10,000), "the Ferrari of electric bikes", is hand-made in Boulder, Colorado. Traci sent in the following story about one of her clients. 

Bob Brewer was a regular guy. He spent his life building a successful family business. The money was good and all the perks that came with it were even better. Then at 53 he found himself overweight. Way overweight. And diabetic. He was 5’7” and 270lbs. The doctor called him ‘morbidly obese’.That’s when the fear set in.
A young death just wasn’t an option for Bob. So what’s a guy to do? A little exercise for a few days wasn’t going to fix the problem. An entire lifestyle shift was in order. But it sounded so hard.
That’s when Bob joined the Optibike weight loss challenge with coach Traci Brown. It’s a year long coached lifestyle and fitness program. Community is created around the enthusiasm for weight loss and cycling. And Optibikes are electric. They give you a push when you need it. And you still get a great workout.
Bob found the fun in community and started riding his bike every day. He followed the program: Riding every day with a specific plan, walking if he couldn’t ride, eating lower carbs, less meat and more fish, cutting out soft drinks and alcohol. As a matter of fact, Bob has only had water to drink for a year.
What about the results? Bob’s lost 87lbs and he’s still going. He’s exercising every day, riding his Optibike or walking, and totally off all medications. He’s excited about life and he still hasn’t had anything to drink but water. And all this happened because he decided to save his own life with the Optibike Weight Loss Challenge.
Bob Brewer was a regular guy. He spent his life building a successful family business. The money was good and all the perks that came with it were even better. Then at 53 he found himself overweight. Way overweight. And diabetic. He was 5’7” and 270lbs. The doctor called him ‘morbidly obese’.That’s when the fear set in.
A young death just wasn’t an option for Bob. So what’s a guy to do? A little exercise for a few days wasn’t going to fix the problem. An entire lifestyle shift was in order. But it sounded so hard.
That’s when Bob joined the Optibike weight loss challenge with coach Traci Brown. It’s a year long coached lifestyle and fitness program. Community is created around the enthusiasm for weight loss and cycling. And Optibikes are electric. They give you a push when you need it. And you still get a great workout.
Bob found the fun in community and started riding his bike every day. He followed the program: Riding every day with a specific plan, walking if he couldn’t ride, eating lower carbs, less meat and more fish, cutting out soft drinks and alcohol. As a matter of fact, Bob has only had water to drink for a year.
What about the results? Bob’s lost 87lbs and he’s still going. He’s exercising every day, riding his Optibike or walking, and totally off all medications. He’s excited about life and he still hasn’t had anything to drink but water. And all this happened because he decided to save his own life with the Optibike Weight Loss Challenge.
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