Personal - Holiday & Blog update.

Hey everyone!

So, over the past few months I feel I have really managed to get into the swing of managing a blog, I will admit sometimes I have struggled to find something to post about, or I have had to rush a post ( i.e the ill week..) but I have really enjoyed it and seeing the views going up has just elated me to try even harder. Working a 9-5(ish) corporate job when you are a creative at heart can be very demoralising and running this blog has really helped me cope - secretly going through blogs and getting ideas ( I'm looking at you gh0stparties and nouvelle daily!!!) and getting excited about endless possibilities.

I have had a bit of a brainstorming sesh and I have just come up with so many idea's and plans that I want to put into this blog and really commit to it more then the twice a week I am posting and dedicate a lot more different types of posts - I am aware most of them are product reviews! I think I was a little scared to put myself out there but seeing that people; even if it is one or two a day or 25; reading my little thoughts has spurred me on and given me a confidence to go the whole hog and update more frequently. I think as well my posts/ pictures and writing style will start to synchronize over time to reflect my own style.

Now, from monday the next 3 weeks I shall be at home enjoying the rays and appreciating not having to answer a phone for 37.5 hours in the week. I won't implement my new plans but I am going to write up a couple of posts and set them to post on certain days( I haven't fully decided what posts and when - so you will need to check back for this) I know this is a bit of a cheat but it's that or nothing and I don't want my hard work to die down and like I said - I'm dedicated now! I just like to escape the internet as much as possible while I am home and truly get a break.

I am back on monday the 21st and from the Tuesday I will start planning and working on my new blog idea's so just to give you an insight:
M: VLOG - Monday is going to stay as a Vlog upload day!
T: Product review/ Trend posts (kinda thing.) I still want to review the products I am getting but I also want to focus every now and again on trends I am loving or even style I love - what happened to my style crushes?!
W: Outfit post. Fashion is a big thing for me and I really want to start featuring it more on my blog, I am not confident with my body and that's why I have been reluctant to do them but I want to break out my comfort zone and push myself, also now I do salsa I am getting back too late to dedicate to a full post so I wanted something easier to upload.
T:How to: how to do a nail look, how to do a hair style, how to style an accessory.... Thursdays are all about the mini how to's! Nothing over complicated because that would end up as a Vlog but the simpler ones I can explain in writing.
F: Make up look of the week. If there is a make up look I have done that week that I am proud of or a look I have attempted and it actually looks decent - I'll be blogging to let you know! ( Espcially the week I manage bigger and proper winged liner! )
S: VLOG - Originally I wanted to vlog twice a week but time didn't let me before but I have heaps of idea's I think I will have the time to dedicate on a weekend to a second video.
S: Product review/feature - keeping it simple on a sunday, what I have already been doing!

What do you think of the new line up?? Anything you want me to feature or try let me know!
Ciao x

P.S look for some changes in the layout when I get back aswell!

source :,,

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