[Congress] Louisiana Gov. Jindal Would Support Federal Same-Sex Marriage Ban

trendsfitness.blogspot.com - Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, appearing on ABC's "This Week," said he would support a constitutional amendment promoted by Sen. Ted Cruz (TX) which would enable state legislatures to outlaw same-sex marriage should SCOTUS overturn various state bans.

Louisiana Gov. Jindal Would Support Federal Same-Sex Marriage Ban
“If the Supreme Court were to throw out our law, our constitutional amendment -- I hope they wouldn't do that -- if they were to do that, I certainly will support Ted Cruz and others that are talking about making ... a constitutional amendment to allow states to continue to define marriage."

“I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman,” Jindal said. “My faith teaches me that, my Christian faith teaches me that. I'm not for discrimination against anybody. I know that many politicians are evolving, so-called evolving on this issue based on the polls. I don't change my views based on the polls.”

The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear same-sex marriage cases from the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals. A ruling is expected by June.

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