This week's photo set comes from Freeman_c14 from my, who sent me a website link.
I have screen shot some of the best "points" the author makes for this post, which is titled: "26 Reasons Kpop is Better than American pop".
Thank you for your submission!
We are clearly already off to a great, unbiased start as her first point involves using a K-idol to "tell you" about how amazing Kpop is.
That is already the shittest "reason" I have ever seen on a list.
But it does not get any better. Oh no; there is no improvement as the numbers increase. So, be forewarned.
Another valid reason. The only reason why someone would NOT enjoy Kpop more than American music is because they have not had enough forced upon them to inevitably shove them into the Hallyu Wave to drown.
That is not necessarily always the best angle. Have you ever heard of Michael Bay? I actually personally hate it when a "music video" is 10 minutes longer or more. I like the concept of Vines: 6 seconds to tell a story. Time is money! I do not appreciate watching girls walking down dark hallways for almost 6 minutes (well, maybe that's because I don't fap to them though).
Craziest? Probably close to it. Best? No. Never.
Well, I agree with this specific specimen, yeah.
Is this a thing? Is this a concept people really look at and think, "oh yeah that shit right there makes this a number 1 hit!" There is probably a reason that this is not common in most music videos.
Even she recognizes that this point is insanely specific. But sadly she did not recognize that it was kinda weird.
Also, never use the term "swag". "Owls" and "swag" should never be in the same sentence.
(this author is more Big Bang biased than myself...) LOL. "Friends".
"Too much" is putting it gently. Fans go bat shit crazy and become hate-filled monsters (and even my description is wording it kindly). It is actually more dangerous for idols to date each other than stay single for their "virgin image".
The original article can be found at:
Thank you, FISHies, for being patient for the latest STFU since June 2014. <3
If anyone has submissions for future Stupid Things Fangirls Utter, please send them to, tweet them to @akf_shinbi, ask them at, or leave them in the comment section below.Remember your rights on this site: anything you say or do here can and probably will be used against you. Thank you, FISHies!
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