trendsfitness.blogspot.com - The Story That Almost Wasn’t
Guest Post by Mary Waibel

Faery Marked - The Story That Almost Wasn't

All authors work in a different way. Some write and edit their own drafts. Some send weekly chapters to a critique partner (CP) to get feedback while drafting. Others write a draft, edit it, then send it out to either CP’s or beta readers for feedback.

I’ve done a mix of all the above, but the thing that I’ve found most helpful is a group of CP’s who have different skill sets.

Kai is one of my CP’s. We trade chapters on a weekly basis (or try to!) or sometimes send a complete draft to each other. When I send my work to Kai, I know she’s going to call me on places where I haven’t been true to my characters, places where she doesn’t understand what I’m saying, or can’t picture what I’m describing. These are all great things I need to know, as I can’t always see them myself.

Another of my CP’s will point to areas lacking tension. Places to beef up the story so the reader has to keep turning the pages to get to the end.

And still another points out issues with grammar (something I’m working really hard to learn. Just ask my editor, Ellie (who’s a great teacher for this stuff, BTW)).

This process works for me. I can see where I wasn’t clear, where my language is off, and where my tension needs work. Do I always agree with what they point out? No, but I do look closely at those areas so that I can make my story the best it can be for my readers.

So, how does all this play into Faery Marked? Well, back in July, about a month before the book was supposed to release, I asked my publisher to pull it. Something about the story wasn’t working for me, and I needed time to get it right. And she graciously gave me that time.

I rewrote almost the entire book in a month and sent it out to my CP’s. They found my plot holes, the things that I’d left in that needed to be taken out. They were my fresh eyes after living in this story for over a year. And, thanks to them and their amazing comments, I was able to turn this story around into something I am super excited to release to the world.

Hi! It's Kai. It was a new experience for me working with Mary on Faery Marked. I've never been as involved inside the critique process with anyone who worked as hard on a book as she did on this one. She tore it apart and pieced it together again more times than I can count. It was very inspirational to see her perseverance and tenacity. I love working with Mary. I'm sorry she has to work so much harder on my work than I do on hers. I promise I try to improve - Mary (and my other critters) helps me immeasurably.

Don't miss my review of FAERY MARKED

Faery Marked - The Story That Almost Wasn't
Book Blurb:
When Callie Rycroft wakes to find purple flames flickering on the ceiling, she believes she’s still dreaming. But soon she’s forced to accept that she has magic―a special magic that grants her entrance into the Faery Realm.

For centuries humans have been banned from Faery, but dangerous times call for dangerous measures. Declared Champion by the Faery Queen, Callie is assigned a Guardian, and tasked with finding the Cordial―a magical elixir needed to keep the portal to the Faery realm a secret from humans.
The upside? Reece Michaels, the boy she's been crushing on for years, is her Guardian. Callie hopes that, by spending time with Reece, he'll start to see her as more than just his best friend's sister.

The downside? She's in a race not only against time, but against another Champion, and a rogue Guardian―a Guardian who stands to threaten her developing relationship with Reece.

Magic, mistaken identities, and hidden agendas are the least of Callie's worries when she learns that the Cordial requires a sacrifice. Will Callie be willing to risk everything―even Reece―to complete her task as Champion? Or will she let the portal open, and doom both realms?

Available at AMAZON
Win a signed copy of Faery Marked and other swag. Details HERE. Don’t miss out on this LIMITED TIME OFFER!!!

Faery Marked - The Story That Almost Wasn'tAbout the Author:
YA author Mary Waibel’s love for fairytales and happy-ever fill the pages of her works. Whether penning stories in a medieval setting or a modern day school, magic and romance weave their way inside every tale.

Strong female characters use both brain and brawn to save the day and win the heart of their men. Mary enjoys connecting with her readers through her website: marywaibel.blogspot.com


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