The infamous Bioderma.
After going on about how hard it was to get hold of you can imagine my surprise when I am in BOOTS of all places back home and see lots of little bioderma bottles staring back at me.

Beauty: review - Bioderma

I was like... BOOTS?!!? SELLS BIODERMA?! WHAT?!
Who knows what is going on but needless to say I snapped me one up straight away. It was 90 Dhs for the 500 ml which works out around £14. It worked a treat with my Peaches and Clean. Although .. you know when your squirting this stuff on a thingy( I'm very technical as you can see) and there is quite a lot so when you press it loads of the liquid comes out? Well. Smarty pants here did that right over her eye. Yes. I accidentally got this stuff in my eye and lets just say it was NOT enjoyable.

We all know Bioderma works, thats why there is so much hype about it... so the real question is:
How does it shape up against the Garnier?

Beauty: review - Bioderma

I wiped one side of my face with bioderma and one with the garnier micellar water, both took off make up equally, neither made my skin any redder then usual. In fact looks-wise you couldn't tell which was which. The ONLY difference I found was that the bioderma side of my face was softer. Which really isn't that much of a difference considering I then cleansed and moisturised my face anyway.

So. £14 for 500ml of Bioderma or £5ish for 400ml of Garnier?
I think its say to say I will probably be sticking with the Garnier.
What about you guys?
Ciao bellas x

source :,,

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