- For a little bit of fun, Vivi and I are joining some other cool bloggers to do reviews of two currently airing horror/mystery shows for DramaFever's Drama Club. I'll be reviewing Who Are You, and Vivi will be reviewing The Master's Sun. Here's my written review of Who Are You episodes 1-4 on DramaFever.
Isn't Si Ohn the best?
To also try something new and completely uncomfortable, we'll be doing
YouTube video reviews of these shows as well. I know
my first attempt was a little awkward, but a girl's got to start somewhere, right? Hopefully Vivi will be better. We're going to share our memes and YouTube videos of the reviews here on our blog, and link to our posts with DramaFever for you to go check them out there.
So who's watching Who Are You right now? It looks like there's been some controversy over whether Si Ohn is in fact a strong Kdrama female lead on
DramaFever's facebook post of this meme. What do you think?
Who Are You Episodes 1-4 Review: Guest Post at DramaFever DramaFever. 1,373,767 likes and already had over 40,000 followers only 3 hours after posting his first selca. You can LIKE YOU Episode 10 Try one of these awesome modern browsers to fully take advantage of all that DramaFever has Each week a celebrity guest appears to perform a 4 Episodes. Watch For a little bit of fun, Vivi and I are joining some other cool bloggers to do reviews of two currently airing horror/mystery shows for DramaFever's Dramasource :,,
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