The Catch #82322 - For you, the catch wasn't something caught:
not word or contender, attention or fire.
Not the almost-missed train, or the sort
of wave surfers might wait an entire
lifetime for. Not the promise that leaves
the old man adrift for days, his boat
creaking, miles offshore. Nor what cleaves
the heart in two, that left your throat
parched and mute for taking pill
after yellow-green pill, the black-blue
taste the price you paid to kill
the two-parts sadness to one-part anger.
No. The catch was what you could never
let go. It's what you carried, and still do.

poem by Ben Wilkinson
from For Real (Smith|Doorstop Books, 2014)
The Catch Understand that you must catch readers' attention and engage their interest in your first few sentences. Allocating catch shares is a difficult and often fraught process. Welcome to Catch a the Oyster Bar. Catch is not your typical Calgary seafood restaurant, in fact, it's two. A delicious blend of Old and New. Historical architecture To overtake or catch up to to be in time for. from 17 th c. If you leave now you might catch him. I would love to have dinner but I have to catch a plane.

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