News Bites

It's time again for Headlines, Cake Wrecks style.

News BitesSo I guess that's the last time Lisa sings Mariah Carey songs on deck.

News BitesIt's a [booby] trap!

Best-sellers include:

News Bites"Man Valley's Toot Sweet"

News Bites"Whispers of Warthog"

And the top seller, "Pink Pirate."

News BitesFor manly men who enjoy the scent of rum, brine, cedar, and - of course - cotton candy.

News BitesOr maybe it was a microphone.

Which, come to think of it, would explain that really obscene PA announcement the other day...

Thanks to Alyssa B., Kathy B., Haley L., Jodi B., Camille W., and Naresh S., who think karaoke night just got a lot more interesting.

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