Understanding Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Understanding Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. This item is included in the following series/curriculum: Curriculum in a Box: Human Sexuality and Responsibility Get this from a library Understanding fetal alcohol syndrome. Barbara Joan Seitz Phi Delta Kappa. Center on Evaluation, Development, and Research. Fetal alcohol syndrome FAS is part of a group of conditions called fetal alcohol spectrum disorders FASDs. These are a range of disabilities a child may be born with. Since fetal alcohol syndrome covers a wide range of problems, there are many possible symptoms. The severity of these symptoms ranges from mild to severe, and can
Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is a pattern of mental and physical growth defects that develop in a fetus because of high levels of alcohol consumption during pregnancy. A study says that around 50% of pregnant women consume alcohol, and therefore FAS complications are growing considerably. This article is a guide to help you understand and prevent FAS.

What is FAS

Foetal alcohol syndrome is a series of birth defects that can develop in a fetus because of high levels of alcohol consumption during pregnancy. These defects lead to many more physical and mental growth complications in the child after birth. In a pregnant women drinking alcohol, it passes from mothers blood to the fetus, where it acts as a depressant to slow down the central nervous system, effecting the cell coordination and intellectual abilities of the fetus. That is, the alcohol has direct toxic effect on the blood cells of fetus, slowing down the natural metabolism, leading to many complications for both child and mother, during and after the child birth.

Effects of fetal alcohol syndrome

Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can lead to many diverse effects of foetal alcohol syndrome like:

- It can lead to growth retardation and birth defects in major organ systems, like an abnormal heart structure.

- It can lead to complications of the brain and create problems in psychological development, effecting the IQ of child.

- Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can cause facial deformations of head, eyes, mouth and jaws in the child; and poor growth of the baby while in the womb and after birth.

- FAS is the most common known causes of mental retardation and hyperactivity.

- Drinking alcohol while pregnant can also lead to premature delivery of the baby, and sometimes even miscarriage that can result in infant death. FAS is not only dangerous to the fetus, it also endangers the mother's life.


FAS can be diagnosed from:

- Diagnosing the Blood alcohol level in pregnant women showing signs of alcohol syndrome.

- Ultrasound of the pregnant womb that shows slow rate of growth of the fetus.

- Fetal alcohol syndrome pictures, like the CT or MRI images showing abnormal brain development.

A group of medical professionals will examine the Prenatal alcohol exposure, the growth deficiency, FAS facial features and Central nervous system damage before coming to a conclusion.

Prevention and Cure

Fetal alcohol syndrome is completely preventable. Abstaining from alcohol during the entire pregnancy period is the only sure way to avoid it. Pregnant women addicted to alcohol should take help of rehabilitation programs or support groups, always monitored by a health care specialist. Also, early recognition of FAS risk will make it easy to treat the child with appropriate medical treatment.

Think of the innocent unborn child inside you and make sure to take good care of him, for he is going to take care of you later.
About this Author

Tanmi Gold
Content and Copywriter.
Tanmi Services

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