The Inferior Lake is the frontier between Hell and Purgatory

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Warnings From Beyond (Hell), Part 2 of 3The Inferior Lake is the frontier between Hell and Purgatory

To the Contemporary Church
[Confessions of Hell]A literal text of the revelations made by the demonsBeelzebub, Judas Iscariot, Akabor, Allida, and Verobaduring a series of exorcisms' from 1975 to 1978
A translation from the French, by Nancy Knowles Smith, of the book'Avertissements de l'Au'delà à l’Église Contemporaine – Aveux de l’Enfer’ by Jean Marty.
E: Exorcist
B: Beelzebub
E: In the name of the Most Blessed Virgin, Mary, in the name of all the Saints, and in the name of all the Guardian Angels whom we invoke...!

B: The souls in Purgatory can also pray. If they can no longer do anything else, they can pray. They also can timidly mumble something for the Church.[39] And if you invoke them for this reason, they must do it, and they do do it. They know what is now at stake. They know a great deal about it, particularly those who are in the higher stages.

E: That means that the souls in Purgatory wish to help us and to pray for the Church?

B: Those who are the lowest, where we can still see them - for there are many levels, if you like -they have little ability; they are for the most part, cruelly tormented. Those who are the lowest - when they have been very wicked people and have committed many sins - sometimes do not know if they are in Hell or if they have been saved.[40] We can still see what is happening to those right at the bottom. They are in what is called the Inferior Lake.

E: But they will come out from it?

B: Only by means of an incalculable number of prayers and sacrifices... Many are staying there until the end of the world, and they are content...and all things considered, they bless God in complete submission that He has sent them down there. It is, you could say, the frontier between Hell and Purgatory.

E: But it is still Purgatory?

B: It is still Purgatory. But there especially, are found those souls which would have deserved Hell, but which, thanks to the sacrifices, the numerous sacrifices of people who offer themselves up, have been saved at the last moment.[41]

We do not like talking about it; you should not pray for the souls in Purgatory; we don't like that. Those in Heaven (he points upward) say - Judas has already had to say it on October 31 (1976) - that the souls in Purgatory are now terribly disappointed. But let them suffer like that, let them hunger like that! We have to do it. You no longer need to gain the indulgences which the Church has granted when you pray. Let them starve! We have to suffer quite atrociously in Hell.

E: In the name... I ask you: can one still gain the indulgence TOTIES-QUOTIES[42] on All Saints' and All Souls' Days?

B: Whatever one Pope has established, another cannot suppress simply and solely as you would take an old shoe back to the shoe-shop, because it is dirty or it no longer pleases you.

B: When you give a present to someone, a very big present... we do not like talking about it... indulgences are presents of inestimable value, incomparable treasures for the poor souls in Purgatory; they are immense treasures.[43]

When a big present is given to someone which pleases him enormously, gives him great joy, which keeps him occupied in a lasting way, and from which he gains some profit, then the giver cannot come and say: “I say, I made a mistake in giving you that present. You have played with it enough. Now, you must give it back to me...” That doesn't work. Then the recipient would reply: “No-you must be joking! Do you imagine that I am going to give you back the present which you gave me?” He would say: “Years have gone by - it is more than ten years since you gave it to me. I am keeping it and that's that. You can't take me to court for that. You should have thought about this before giving me the present.”

So it is with indulgences. Those up there make me say that the indulgences that one Pope has granted, another cannot purely and simply withdraw. For example, merely because beneath the aspirations: “Sweet Jesus, grant them eternal rest” or “Sacred Heart of Jesus, make me love You more and more”, there appeared the words “100 days” or “300 days” or “7 years” or something like that - merely because of that, there is far from sufficient reason for a Pope to suppress these indulgences.

But, to cut a long story short, that[44] was not envisaged and ordered in that way by the Pope himself. What they wanted to do was absolute suppression of the whole thing. It was said: “Men no longer understand these indulgences - of 300 days, 7 years, the plenary indulgence... They believe that Purgatory is cut short by 300 days, or something like that That could have been the subject of sermons, to explain that these 300 days are ecclesiastical punishments, ecclesiastical penances according to ancient customs. The number of days corresponded to the time during which great sins had to be expiated, during which great sinners had no right to enter the church, but had to remain at the door. The penances that they used to do, the suffering that they used to endure, are what the indulgences represent.

We must still add this: these indulgences of 300 days or of 7 years[45] were for all that, very little in comparison with what sinners used to have to undergo through ecclesiastical penances. It was a priceless present for the souls in Purgatory and also for men.

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