Microsoft announced Windows 7 support will be closed

Microsoft announced Windows 7 support will be closed after 13 January 201 Any kind of software updates, security patches, will not be available after January. Microsoft Corp. has announced that it would cease to provide mainstream support to the Windows 7 operating system. The move will likely disappoint many users since Without Microsoft support, Support for Windows 7 RTM without of the new version unless otherwise announced. Certain OEM versions of Windows products Microsoft Help and Support provides support for Microsoft products. Service Pack Support End Date Notes Windows 7 Enterprise: 10/22/2009: Windows XP system
Recently it is announced by the Microsoft that it will soon close the support of windows 7. The date is given 13 January 2015, from that day support of windows 7 will be closed. Any kind of software updates, security patches, will not be available after January. This announcement shows that after it this operating system will not be safe from hacking and viruses. This is not a new thing done by Microsoft, before it Microsoft already closed the supports of windows XP.
Mainstream supports will be closed, extended supports continue
After this closing of supports of windows 7, the danger of hacking will be increased of those private and govt. offices which use this Operating system. Although only mainstream support is going to close, extended support will be continue till 2020. For this extended supports users have to pay to Microsoft.

Microsoft announced Windows 7 support will be closed

What is mainstream support
Mainstream support provides all those free service for the operating system which are necessary for OS to work properly. So after closing of mainstream support all those free services will be stopped by company. Only security updates will be available free, but for all other updates user have to pay money to company.

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Use of Extended support
When company close the mainstream services, the big business and private and government institution pay to the company to continue these updates for some time. By doing this companies and offices get time to update their computer and operating system. That’s why after closing of windows 7’s mainstream Support Company will continue extended support for next five years.
Danger of viruses and hacking:
- If user work on old browser, their security become of low level.
- New versions of browser’s will not support windows 7.
- After connected with internet, system can easily be hacked.
- User have to remove Java plug-in.
- Danger of malware and viruses will be continue.
- Pc will be run with this OS but danger of hacking increased.

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After mainstream supports closed by company, extended support will be continue till 14 January 2020. Beside windows 7 support, the duration of one year of Office 2010 will be end. Other products of Microsoft like visual studio 2012 remote tools, express for web, windows server 2003’s support will also end. Windows phone operating system 7.8’s mainstream support will also end from 14 September 2014.

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