Intel Unveils A SD Card Sized Computer

Intel is pushing forward with technology to enable the Internet of Things and wearable technology, by unveiling a tiny computer the same size as an SD card at CES Intel Unveils A SD Card Sized Computer Furthermore, the SD Card sized computer can support multiple operating systems like Linux, Have you ever wondered that a whole PC would be available in the size of a small SD card If not, then Intel has made it a fact. This new device has been CES 2014 Intel CEO Brian Krzanich has announced Edison, a super tiny PC that is the size of an SD card yes, those things you install into your camera
CES 2014 so far as been exciting with all these technologies companies unveiling things that are very outstanding and cutting edge. Among all the things unveiled is one that caught the attention of everyone, the Intel Edison - a computer you can hold in the palm of your hand and no bigger than your finger.
Intel Unveils A SD Card Sized Computer
Intel Edison is a computer that is as small as a SD memory card. Yes, you read it right; it's as small as a memory card but packs enough power inside it.
Intel Unveils A SD Card Sized Computer
The Intel Edison had a dual core Quark SoC processor running inside of it. Furthermore, the SD Card sized computer can support multiple operating systems like Linux, Windows and even Android. The device also has built in wireless capability among other features.
Intel Unveils A SD Card Sized Computer
According to Intel, the device will have a dedicated app store designed for the Edison and a special version of Wolfram inside the computer.
What does this technology feat point to or benefit to consumers you might ask.
The immediate message exposed by Intel CEO is that wearable computers is growing steadily and they are ready to get on into the game with everything that Intel has to offer. Smart watch, wristband, smart ear buds; the list is inexhaustible.
This is a computer that can be place into a monitor, a special reading glass and it will display everything inside the SD Card sized computer.
There's no end to the things technology can offer humankind and this is just only the beginning and Linux seem to be the operating system that will be powering these cutting edge devices.
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