I am looking for willing workers

Hello I am a community health worker looking for community health work. I am willing to work anywhere and have great experience and education. am moving from usa to England in a i need a job that's in the usa that can or willing to relo Any Asian females in construction field willing to be interviewed i am a union worker local 1506 looking for work. going through my apprenticeship program 7th Construction Worker jobs forums. I am looking for work in any construction field. I have three kids and i am willing to travel anywhere i can to get a job. I am looking for willing workers
Published by pelianito

“My children, do you think I take delight in sorrow and woe? Do you think I am edified by my people’s suffering? No, my delight would be in their conversion, my edification in their contrition. But this people has rejected my messengers.

Once again, my Son is crucified and vilified. Yes, I mean to shatter them, but only so that what they cling to—all their idols—will be seen for what they are—shams, counterfeits, vapor.

Once the idols are shattered, my Spirit will once again go out over the formless void and renew the face of the earth.

My children, do you see how this must be? Fly to me, my little ones!

Show me your humble, contrite hearts. Console me and help me in my work of renewal. I am looking for willing workers. There is much to be done in the glorious work of salvation. It is an honor to be asked to participate in this great work. Do you see that? Are you willing? Children come to me!”

source : http://choosing-him.blogspot.com, http://google.com, http://youtube.com

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