Download this app right now: Vert 2 for iPhone and iPad is now free

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Download this app right now: Vert 2 for iPhone and iPad is now free
Source: AppStore

Sometimes an iPhone app is exceptionally functional and sometimes an iPhone app is beautiful, but rarely can both be said about the same piece of software. Vert 2 by Andrej Mihelic is one of those rarities, and it also just so happens to be free right now for a limited time.

Vert 2 is one of many apps dedicated to converting data from one unit type to another. Currencies, weight, volume, speed, pressure, power, temperature… they’re all covered in this great app. In fact, Mihelic says that Vert 2 supports more than 900 different types of conversions in 34 different categories.

Because the app is so comprehensive, it also includes an intelligent search function and a favorites list.

So, for example, instead of scrolling through 900 entries to convert meters into feet, a simple search will immediately bring the user to the appropriate screen. And if that happens to be a conversion the user performs quite often, it can be saved to a favorites list for even faster access.

Vert 2 is typically $3.99 and worth every penny, but the app is available for free right now for a limited time. This sale could be over at any moment, so follow the link below in our source section to download Vert 2 right away.

Source: AppStore;

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