Antioxidant Rich Coconut Milk Matcha Latte Recipe + Benefits

Green tea is rich in powerful antioxidants, 1 tsp MATCHA 11.5 oz can Coconut Milk To Brew Cold Brewing Loose vs. Bags Tea Traditions Tea Recipes Health Skip the line at Starbucks and make these healthy hot drinks at home. You'll save time, money, and tons of extra calories HIGH IN ANTIOXIDANTS: Matcha Green Tea Powder contains 137x antioxidants as IKEA Produkt Milk Frother Native Forest Organic Classic Coconut Milk Matcha Green Tea Powder retains all of the health benefits of green tea This recipe is for Green Tea Coconut Milk Matcha Smoothie and this Green Tea Coconut
Antioxidant Rich Coconut Milk Matcha Latte Recipe + Benefits

This week I'm doing a final test run for my upcoming online workshop, Season to Cleanse, and I'm prepping myself with a delicious coconut matcha latte (recipe below). One of the biggest deterrents my clients have before starting a cleanse if giving up coffee. Of course. I usually have a cup a day, so I get it. If you are someone who is dependent on their cup of joe to kick start the day, it can be tough to let go. You fear the accompanying headache, irritability, mental fog, and lack of energy. The problem is, when your body has started to rely on this false energy, it starts to tax your adrenal function. The adrenal glands essentially help to regulate metabolism, energy production, mood, blood sugar levels, sleep cycles and how you respond to chronic illness. Adrenal glands produce hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, steroids, cortisol, and cortisone, and chemicals such as adrenalin (epinephrine), norepinephrine, and dopamine. Cortisol and adrenalin kick into high gear during moments of stress or physical strain. But if stress has become a part of your daily life, continuous cortisol and adrenaline secretion may deplete your adrenal glands and wipe out energy reserves.So what do we do? We reach for more coffee, sugar and alcohol, of course!

To break this cycle, we need to reboot. The best way to do that is to give up coffee for awhile, so your body can reboot and get back into a regular hormonal cycle. Don't worry, the symptoms only last a couple days, and after that you will feel true energy. Which is much more vibrant and sustainable. To ease into a coffee detox, you can substitute green tea. It differs from coffee because it has less caffeine, and also has calming properties that won't leave you jittery and depleted like a shot of espresso can.

I recommend Matcha green tea to my clients who are looking to lose weight and do a bit of a cleanse. The health benefits are over the top amazing! Made from the nutrient-rich young leaves picked from the tips of shade-grown plants, Matcha is straight stone-ground green tea leaves, so you get the full benefit of the whole leaf. Because it's a highly concentrated form of green tea, the benefits are about 15x regular green tea!

Matcha tea is prepared by whisking Matcha powder with hot water, which forms a frothy liquid, but you can also add Matcha to smoothies and lattes.

Amazing Health Benefits of Matcha Green Tea:
  • Antioxidant powerhouse! The ORAC value (which is a rating used to measure antioxidant content) is a whopping 1300 units per gram, compared to pomegranates at 105. Antioxidants prevent aging and chronic diseases.
  • Helps the body detoxify due to its rich antioxidant and chlorophyll content, in turn giving you beautiful glowing skin!
  • Chlorophyll has long been thought of as a blood purifier and recent studies have documented its effectiveness at helping to clear persistent chemical pollutants from the body.
  • Matcha is rich in L-Theanine, a rare amino acid that actually promotes a state of relaxation and well-being
  • Matcha protects against liver and kidney damage by decreasing in levels of glucose, triglyceride, and total cholesterol in type 2 diabetes
  • L-Theanine also helps to produce of dopamine and serotonin. These two chemicals help to enhance mood, improve memory, and promote better concentration.
  • Matcha contains a unique antioxidant EGCg, which helps to counteract the effects of free radicals from pollution, UV rays, radiation, and chemicals, which can lead to cell and DNA damage and cancer
  • The unique properties in matcha help to boost mental and physical energy
  • Helps to boost metabolism and facilitate weight loss
Sources: Murray, Pizzorno a. Textbook of Natural Medicine, 4th Edition. Elsevier Health Sciences, 2013. VitalBook file. (Murrey 273)
Antioxidant Rich Coconut Milk Matcha Latte Recipe + Benefits
Antioxidant Rich Coconut Milk Matcha Latte Recipe + Benefits
Antioxidant Rich Coconut Milk Matcha Latte

I used the easiest and most delicious homemade coconut milk for this recipe (find it here) and it turned out foamy, creamy and delicious!

1 cup coconut milk, warmed
3/4 tsp matcha powder
3-5 drops liquid stevia
Pinch vanilla powder

How to make:
Add all ingredients to a blender and blend for the most amazing fluffy energizing latte!

Makes 1 serving
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Antioxidant Rich Coconut Milk Matcha Latte Recipe + Benefits
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Antioxidant Rich Coconut Milk Matcha Latte Recipe + Benefits

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