I Won't Have Sex Until After Marriage-Adokiye

I'd rather have sex after marriage. Also, I don't If you have sex before marriage if you think your husband won't leave you after you get married Do you think sex before marriage is only for sex and If you have sex before marriage you will rule like "I won't have sex before marriage “I am Still A Virgin Because I Won’t Have Sex Until After Marriage, What I Share Is AGAPE Love” — AdokiyeI Won't Have Sex Until After Marriage-Adokiye Adokiye who stormed the media with her virginity story a while ago has told Vanguard that she has a boyfriend now but they only share Agape love no sex is involved. She once said that the only man that can take her virginity is the one that will buy her mum a private jet now the question is has this new guy bought the private jet for her mum? Well, hear from her below....

“I have a boyfriend now, But what we share is AGAPE love; no sex kind of love. But I know I want to settle down and have kids. I heard, these days, things have changed; Menopause comes fast now! Young girls aren’t
young again after all, ” she began.

When told that she could be starving the new guy of sex, she simply replied

“I don’t think so. Do you know sex hinders blessings? Do you know sex takes your hand very far from the
reach of your blessings? I know you are married and have every right to sex but try this sometimes. It always works like magic. It’s faster than 100
million Babalawo’s power. Anyway, maybe it is okay for those who have license to have it but for me, I won’t have it until after marriage”.

source : http://dailymotion.com, http://www.jaybossng.com, http://stackoverflow.com

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