1 Woman, 130 Cats

A Russian woman has opened her tiny two room apartment to strangers in need she's taken in 130 stray cats. 50 year old Nina Kostsovo lives in the Siberian city of Hundreds of cat videos, funny cat videos, kitten videos, grooming videos, cat training videos and more. A woman in Siberia has 130 stray cats crammed into her tiny apartment now that's a lot of pussy. Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE for more awesome vids: http English news report: A Russian woman has opened her tiny two room apartment to strangers in need she's taken in 130 stray cats. 50 year old Nina Kostsovo

Nina Kostovan lives in Siberia,Russia. Nina takes care of 130 cats in an apartment! And yep you guessed it, they are all strays!

1 minute 12 seconds1 Woman, 130 Cats

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